Meet the team

CM Kavanagh is the cofounder and editor-in-chief of The Brighton Seagull. She writes the Monday Briefings, works with our writers to help shape their pieces and keeps everything ticking over. She's a journalist who’s written for The Independent, NME, and most recently was community reporter for the Mid Sussex Times, before editing here.

Owen Baxter-Jones is the deputy editor for The Brighton Seagull, and is passionate about promoting the Seagull’s ethos of local news for local people. Their favourite part of the job is when they get to put our seagull mascot in little hats.

Adam Englebright is the cofounder of The Brighton Seagull. He manages the business and technical side of things, making sure the website stays up and the newsletters get sent out. This whole thing was his idea, so feel free to blame him. His day job is running a data and analytics consultancy called The Brighton Data Company.

Amber Cronin is a DevOps Engineer by day, and The Seagull's resident photographer in her spare time. You can find her with a ridiculously big and noisy camera in her hand, directing the team into various shots while there's still enough light.